We use Training Peaks website to help track our athlete’s training. We can measure and chart weekly mileage, workout hours, cross training, etc… We can also post detailed daily workouts.
Athletes record their workout (manually or app or watch).
Most fitness watches will connect to Training Pe
The workout is transferred to Training Peaks automatically.
Training Peaks analyzes the workout
Coaches monitor athletes and adjust workouts and schedules and provide feedback to athletes.
Most fitness watches will connect to Training Peaks.
To set up Training Peaks go to THIS LINK. If you don’t have a Training Peaks account, you will sign up for a free account. That account will also link to the coach’s account.
Connect your fitness watch or app (Garmin, Suunto, Polar) account if you have one, at THIS LINK
The team has a limited set of Garmin 35 watches. We can check these out to athletes who would benefit. The Garmin 35 is an excellent base model with all the features we typically need.
Watch Usage Tips
Before starting warmup, press the START button
Select “Outdoor Run” and start the activity
For intervals, drills, and sprints
Use page 2 of the data screens to check heart rate and lap times and pace.
Use the lap key to time intervals or drills
For road/trail/easy runs
Use page 1 of the data screens
Press the lap key when you leave for your run
Press the lap key any time to mark changes in the workout
When the workout is done, stop and SAVE the activity
When using a fitness watch it is important to record your entire workout as one session. Start the watch just before warming up and stop it when you’re done. If you need intermediate times for intervals, etc use the lap button on the watch rather than stopping and starting new data sessions.
Garmin 35 Setup
Set up the data fields for Page 2 screen
Press and select an activity profile “Run Outdoor”
Select Options > Data Fields
Select “Page 2”
Select the data fields and change them to “Lap Pace”, “Heart Rate”, and “Lap Time”
Set the button to be the lap button
Press and select an activity profile “Run Outdoor”